No Props? No Problem. Use These Common Household Items For Your Next Home Workout

Adrienne leading a barre class using a stool as a prop.

If you’ve been working out at home a lot more lately, you might have found yourself a bit unprepared, especially if you’re used to going to a gym or studio to get your exercise fix. Luckily, you probably have plenty of things lying around your house that can easily double as workout equipment. Weights can be anything that’s easy to grip, yoga blocks can be as simple as using a heavy book, and bolsters can be swapped out for a couple of rolled-up towels or thick blankets. We’ve rounded up a list of yoga prop substitutes and workout equipment alternatives that use common household items so you can continue crushing your goals without having to invest in equipment. The only thing coming between you and a workout that requires equipment is a little resourcefulness and creativity.


Wondering what to use instead of dumbbells? While weights are a common addition to barre and strength training, some yogis like to add weights to their practice to keep a balanced routine and amp things up. Anything you can hold can potentially be used as a weight in your at-home workouts. Before you empty out your wine bottles, use them as a hand weight (the average full bottle weighs just under 3 lbs.) Watch out for sweaty workouts and throw a cozy on them if they get too slippery. 

You can also use water bottles, cans, gallons of water, laundry detergent, a sack of rice or beans, bags of apples or onions, etc. For heavier weights, use a backpack filled with items from your pantry, rocks, or other heavy items. Use your best judgment and utilize substitutions that won’t spill or break.

Yoga Blocks

The benefits of yoga blocks are plenty: they help you deepen your stretch, improve alignment, provide support and comfort, and allow you to stay in poses longer, among other things. As a substitute for a yoga block, you can use a heavy book, a protein powder container, a small stool, a taped-up shoebox filled with heavy items, or a stack of magazines — just make sure they’re secure and tied together.


Bolsters support your spine and body, improve alignment, relieve stress when used in a restorative yoga pose, and can even be added into core work to make it more challenging. They can be swapped out for a rolled-up towel or blanket, couch cushion, or a firm throw pillow. 

Yoga Strap

Yoga straps help you maintain proper form and create space, increase your flexibility, and stabilize your joints. They’re easy to substitute with a belt, robe belt, tie, scarf, or a durable jacket (by grabbing each end of the sleeve). Whatever you choose, you’ll want to make sure it’s made of a firm material so it doesn’t give and it can properly support you during your workout.

Ballet Barre

You can still bring the barre studio vibe to your home without splashing cash on an actual barre. It’s easy to find an alternative: try a banister, stool, chair, counter, dresser, or table. Looking for some fun at-home barre workouts? Our online barre classes on Alo Moves have plenty of options for people with and without equipment at home.

Plyometric Box

If you don’t have a plyometric box for your at-home HIIT workout, you can easily swap in stairs or a sturdy bench or stool in its place. You can do step-ups, elevated push-ups, and for more stable surfaces, box jumps.

Ab Rollers

A towel on a slippery surface like a hardwood floor can work in a pinch in place of a dedicated ab roller for your core workout at home. Place it under your hands and push it out slowly while engaging your core and keeping your knees in place.

Looking for some yoga and fitness classes that don’t require props? We have a ton of fun, no-prop classes on Alo Moves. Start your free 14-day trial here.


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